It's Twig-o-rama!


Simple variable
<h1>{{ sitename }}</h1>
Array element (value of key name in array named user)
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
Always available variables:
{{ _context }} - current context
{{ _self }} - current template
{{ _charset }} - current character set


Use set tag:

a simple value
{% set foo = ‘bar’ %}
an array
{% set foo = [1,2] %}
array with keys
{% set foo = {’foo’:’bar’} %}
with a variable
{% set foo = bar ~’baz’ %}
longer strings
{% set message %} This is an error message. {% endset %}

Control structures

if (same as in PHP), elseif, else, for, tags (see below)
{% for user in users %} <li>{{ user.username }}</li> {% endfor %}
or, and, ==, !=, <, >, >=, <=, in, +, -, ~, *, /, %, //, is, .., **


Must have start and end tag
{% if page is defined %} <h1>{{ pagetitle }}</h1> {% endif %}


Apply one or more separated by a pipe (|)
{{ list|join(‘, ‘)|title }}


To escape Twig specific tags use raw filter
{{ '{{twigvariable}}'| raw }}
To escape HTML use escape filter (PHP’s htmlspecialchars())
{{'<script>iCanHasServer(?)</script>' | escape}}


{# A comment #}


Simple Include
{% include 'relative/to/template/root/mypage.html' %}
Pass vars to the included file as an object
{% include 'mypage.html' with {'key': 'value'} %}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
{{ sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. }}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
{{ sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. }}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
{{ sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. }}


Twig macro == PHP function (no access to variables outside of the macro).
{% macro state_option(code, name, current) %} {% set selected = current == code ? 'selected' : '' %} <option value="{{code}}" name="{{name}}" {{selected}}>{{name}}</option> {% endmacro %}
Can be defined anywhere but needs to be imported before use.
{% import "states-select.html" as states %}
Calling macros
{{ states.state_option(state.code,, selected_state) }}


Uses Twig i18n plugin

Use short version for simple strings without variables and double quotes
{%trans “Hello world!” %}
Use long version for more complex strings. All variables must be simple variables.
{% trans %} Hello {{}} {% endtrans %}
Translation with a placeholder and a filter
{% set message %} {% trans "Sorry! We can't find %loc. Please try again." %} {% endset %} {{ message | replace({'%loc': search}) }}